When we talk to a machine, we don’t provide it with polished packets of information that it can analyse. Instead, we send it a chaotic bundle of vibrating air that must be searched for recognizable patterns. For an AI trained in Natural Language Processing, the way humans breathe when talking is useless – an undecipherable complexity.
The Uncanny Valley of Breath strips away all of the processing that machines do to show us the variety in human speech in its most basic form: as a visualisation of frequencies, extracted from our speech, projected onto walls of spinning fans simulating the airflow that generated them.
Commissioned by Science Gallery Dublin and created with ADAPT, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for AI Driven Digital Content Technology.

When we talk to a machine, we don’t provide it with polished packets of information that it can analyse. Instead, we send it a chaotic bundle of vibrating air that must be searched for recognizable patterns. For an AI trained in Natural Language Processing, the way humans breathe when talking is useless – an undecipherable complexity.
The Uncanny Valley of Breath strips away all of the processing that machines do to show us the variety in human speech in its most basic form: as a visualisation of frequencies, extracted from our speech, projected onto walls of spinning fans simulating the airflow that generated them.
Commissioned by Science Gallery Dublin and created with ADAPT, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for AI Driven Digital Content Technology.